Site updated on May 5, 2011


Our house in Gig Harbor still hasn't sold yet so Sherry and I are doing a lot of driving these days (we each commute 4 hours a day) and it is getting pretty OLD! Looking forward to the real estate market picking up so we can move closer to work.

The kids are doing good - and actually have more time at home these days since Sherry and I work from home a couple days during the week.

Ron and Sherry



Site updated on Jan 2, 2011


Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to you. Photos have been added for the last half of the 2010 year.

The company Ron works for relocated to Seattle and Sherry is still working up in Bellevue so we are each commuting 4 hours a day to and from work and eager to get this house of ours SOLD so we can move up north closer to work.

The kids are doing good. Cary started kindergarden, Raina is in 2nd grade, and Sky started middle school in 6th grade.

Ron and Sherry



Site updated on July 7, 2010

Howdy people!

Our house in Gig Harbor is still up for sale with little to no action - almost a year now. We are still trying to move to the Snoqualmie Ridge area to be closer to Seattle where Ron's work is relocating. Either that or someplace sunny - we'll keep you posted.

We just got back from Cayman - it ws awesome as usual. These pics, and 6 months of other pics are up on the Photo section now.

Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Jan 18, 2010

Happy New Year!

The 2009 Photo Album is now updated with the second half of the year's pictures

We had some fun with the kids this year, but man are we glad that 2009 is over.

Here's to working the plan towards a better year,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Aug 24, 2009


We just got back from vacation and had a great time in southern California. Cary Lynn Pierce's adoption was finalized on August 14, 2009 and she wanted to see the dolphins at Seaworld to celebrate, so that's just what we did!

There are pictures of our trip and Cary's adoption day in the Photo Album section.

I've also updated the Photo Album section with a new user interface which has some cool slideshow and thumbnail features. Let me know what you think!

The summer is almost over and the kids will be back in school next week - I can't believe it went by so fast.

Catch some rays while you still can,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Feb 8, 2009

Welcome back

We have a new edition to our family. Her name is CARY and she recently turned 4 years old. We've been her mom and dad for a little over a year now and the long adoption process is nearly complete and offical - almost there!

Just a little bit about Cary:

Cary's life in 2007 (when she was almost 3 years old) took a sad turn for the worse and as a result she needed lot's of love and a safe place to live. We've known Cary since the day she was born and have always loved her to pieces so her situation at the time was one that we knew we had to help with. One day, while sitting around the breakfast table talking about Cary needing a home, Sky and Raina proposed an idea to us. They asked if Cary could live in our treehouse in the backyard! We had a lengthy discussion about the pros and cons of the treehouse (no water, no food, no electricity or heat - and it's a little dark and scary out there at night) so they soon came to the conclusion that perhaps the extra bedroom in our house would be a better place for her. With that, they began lobbying for Cary to be their new little sister. We gave this prospect some serious and hard consideration and soon came to the same conclusion. We would adopt her and give her a permanent home and make her one of our own children in every way.

She's been with us ever since, calls us mom and dad, and our three children get along just like any siblings do - some days they play togather like best friends, and other days they bicker with each other, but overall they are very close and sweet with one another. Cary is doing better all the time, and it has been amazing to watch her come out of her shell and overcome her hardships. She's enjoys ballet classes, barbie dolls, and is an active, healthy, and silly-pants little 4 year old who loves girly things and spending time with her family.

Raina and Sky love having a new little sister and are both doing well. Sky is 10 now, in 4th grade this year, and is in his second year of basketball. Sky loves anything to do with video games and science.

Raina is 6 and started kindergarten this year and absolutly loves being a school-ager. She is facinated in animals and pets and she can't wait until next year when she can start playing basketball too.

I have just posted over a years worth of new photos in the photo section (all 2008 photos).

With Love,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Dec 16, 2007

I've been a slacker!

Well, I have finally updated the site after over 8 months of slacking. I've just uploaded almost 3 gigs of new pictures covering the year since Easter (when I last upated the site).

Sherry quit her job at Russell (after almost 15 years) back in June. She is buying, fixing-up, and reselling houses now (flipping) and loving every minute of it. Just after she left Russell, I took half of my sabbatical (6 weeks off of work) -- we traveled to Florida for a week or so, and then spent the rest of he time in the Cayman Islands -- one of our favorite places on earth.

There are plenty of pictures from our Sabbatical trip and everything else that happened this yeat to catch up on - check them out!

Ron and Sherry




Site updated on April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

We just got back from a great spring break trip that we spent down in canyon country Utah, Arizona, and Nevada. The weather was great and the kids were some awesome little hikers.

We ended our trip in Las Vegas for a couple of days and the kids had a blast there too.

Time to go back to work and school,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Feb. 17, 2007

Sky won big at the Pinewood Derby!

Hey, nevermind about all the brithdays going on around here, the big news is that Sky won 1st place in his Den and 2nd place in the whole Cub Scout Pack in his very first Pinewood derby this year! -- Check out the video in the Media Clips section.

Sky did 90% of the work on the car his own self at Dad's direction over the course of 3 weeks, making it even that much more of an accomplishment. Way to go Sky!

Happy Presidents day,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Jan. 7, 2007

Happy New Year!

Seems like the holidays just whizzed by this year.

The Kids got new kittens for Christmas this year and so you'll see lot's of pictures that include what Raina refers to as 'The Cute-inators'. The gray cat is Sky's and he named it 'Socks' and the white one is Raina's and she named it 'Cracker' -- she has no idea how fitting that name is...

I posted a video of the kids opening-up their new 'Cute-inators' under the MEDIA CLIPS tab (located above) which is pretty cool.

Do something good this year,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Nov. 26, 2006

Are you ready for the holidays!?

Can't believe it's that time of year again!

I updated the website today wih new pictures and VIDEO from Raina's birthday, Halloween, Butch's birthday, Mindy's Bride Shower, and a few other things.

(I also went back and added a video from our 2004 Walt Disney World vacation that I was finally able to recover off of a bad hard drive -- btw - video's are located under the MEDIA tab at the top of the page.)

Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Oct. 07, 2006

We had a busy summer

While we spent most of our spare time this summer remodeling the house from the water damage that occured back in April, we did manage to have some fun too. We are almost done with the remodel and can't wait to have everything back in order again. I'll be sure to post before, during, and after pictures when i is all done. (Hopefully in a few more weeks).

Hope to hear from you soon,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on May 21, 2006

Nearly half of 2006 has passed already!

I finally updated the website after nearly 6 months of slacking!

It's been a busy time for us and we have lot's of new pictures posted. We've even stated adding VIDEOS under the media clip section.

One of Sherry's Dads, Rod Toedtemeier, passed away in April at the same time that a water pipe broke inside our house (while we were way on vacation) causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, so we are unexpectedly remodeling the house on top of dealing with the recent loss of Sherry's Dad.

We are doing ok, and are looking forward ot having things back in order at home. Sherry was close to Rod, and ofcourse is taking his loss one day at a tme, but doing as well as could be expected.

Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Nov. 27, 2005

What a great fall!

Ron got a promotion and will be transitioning into his new role in December (he'll be managing the Software Development department for the global Financial Services company that he works for) and is excited about the new challenge.

Sherry, who is also an associate for the same company, has become quite passionate about the new job she started earlier this year as one of the company's Diveristy specialists and is working hard to put a diverse face on Corporate America.

Sky is doing an amazing job in the 1st grade, is reading books like crazy now, is getting excellent grades, and is cracking us up with the impressions he does of other people (his Keith Urban is hilarious!)

Raina is a cutie as usual, is full of new opinions, claims she is "half wolf and can see in the dark," and is more excited about Christmas than any kid I've ever seen.

We've also been very busy at the Pierce house these days as you will see by all the new pictures posted from the past couple of months.

Hope you are all well,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Sept. 18, 2005

I finally updated the site!

I haven't updated the site since Easter because I've been so busy at work, pulling some long hours this year on a big project. But that's all behind me now, so I finally found the time to get around to adding new pictures.

I've also moved the website to a new server and hosting company, and while I've tested most everything, let me know if you see any odd behavior or error messages.

Ron and Sherry




Site updated on March 28, 2005

It's been Birthday season at the Pierce House!

Sherry, Sky, and Ron all had birthdays - We have pictures online.

We've also got pictures from a couple of weekend excursions, and from Easter Sunday too.

Don't forget to set your clocks 1 hour forward next weekend on 4/3/2005,
Ron and Sherry




Site updated on Jan. 4, 2005

Happy New Year!

Check out all the new holiday pictures from Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. We even have a few from the summer that were lost but now found.

It's been 5 months since I last updated the site, so there are a lot of new photos under the Photo Album section.

Ron, Sherry, Skyler, Raina, and Ewa




Site updated on Nov. 7th, 2004

Come meet Ewa!

When we got back form the Cayman's trip, our family's new Au Pair (International Nanny Program) arrived. Her name is Ewa (pronounced Eh-vah). She is from Poland, is 25 years old, has a Masters Degree in Economics, has worked as a Nanny in Poland and for the Polish Government's Education Office, loves taking care of kids, and is here to learn about America and to improve her English skills (she actually speaks pretty good English already). She is now living with us and has been taking excellent care of Raina and Skyler while Sherry and I are at work and has already become a very good friend. You will see her in our family pictures now.

It's been 5 months since I last updated the site, so there are a lot of new photos under the Photo Album section.

Ron, Sherry, Skyler, Raina, and now, Ewa!




Site updated on July 15th, 2004

Another GREAT family vacation - Cayman Islands!

We had a great trip to the Caribbean's Grand Cayman Islands. The sun was bright and hot, there were plenty of white sand beaches, 86 Degree F. water, and 300 foot visibality for Scuba diving! -- We had the time of our lives!

No worries Mon,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on May 22nd, 2004

We had a GREAT family vacation in Florida at Walt Disney World!

Pictures are now online from our trip to WDW and the Washington Coast, as well as recent pictures from events like Easter, Mother's day, Gabe's birthday party, Julie's wedding shower, and more.

Be sure to sign-up to use the discussion rooms on this web site. In the near future, this will be the only way for us to notify you that the site has been updated. So, if you haven't done so yet, please do so now by clicking the "Address Book" link above.

Thanks for stopping by,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on March 28th, 2004

It's been birthday season at the Pierce's!

Pictures from John, Sherry, Skyler, and Ron's birthdays are all online, as well as a short visit from Ron and Sherry's friend Magne, and a couple of outdoor excursions.

Thanks for stopping by,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on Jan. 1, 2004

Happy New Year!

We have added some great new features to the web site!

In addition to the tons of new Photos and Audio files that we have added, we added online Discussion Forums and an online Address Book.

At Granny's funeral in November, many of Ron's cousins got together for the first time in years and decided that they all needed an easy way to stay in touch. Ron was elected to add an online forums feature to and an online address book that we could all use to keep up to date with everyone's contact information.

Ron has coded both of those features into the web site, and they are ready for use. You need only sign-up and create an account as you login for the first time.

Just click the Discussion link at the top of the page to get started.

Wishing you a great 2004,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on Nov. 15th, 2003

Fall has arrived

It's been a couple of months since the last update, so there are a lot of new pictures online:

Sherry and her Dad took a trip to the Cayman islands, we've had some family visits, Grandpa Ray's birthday party, fall festivities, Halloween, and Raina's 1st Birthday!

Ron had some surgery on his neck to have a lump removed which somehow got infected with a staph infection. It became very serious due to the location of the infection (literally over night) but he has since fully recovered and is fine now. Close call!

Glad you stopped by,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on Sept 14th, 2003

We had a really nice vacation at home

Just before the summer was over we were able to spend some great vacation time with Grammy and Grampy who flew up from California (Ron's Dad, Tom, and his wife Kathy). Dad and Kathy got to meet Raina for the first time, and we had fun showing them around the new area we live in.

We also spent some family time camping at Cougar Rock, Mt. Rainer (our all time favorite camp area) and took Sky and Raina up the Pinnacle Peak trail - a pretty steep hike for a 4 year old, but he did awesome! (in fact, he pretty much ran circles around us old people all the way up)

Then, just before our vacation around home was over, Sky and Dad (just the boys) took the boat out on the Puget Sound by our house to do some Crabing. We had a blast, caught a ton of crab, and ate them for dinner.

All those pictures are now in the Photo Album section,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on August 3rd, 2003

The weather is STILL great!

Ron's brother John has been in and out of the hospital this summer after surgey to fix his hernia and scar tissue problem. Keep him in your prayers!

We've got pictures online of Father's day at home, Fourth of July on the Columbia River with family and friends, and Nana's birthday which Skyler planned as a "yucky" party in an attempt to gross her out!

There are also some pictures of a trip to Point Defiance park with Julie and Mike.

Summer is half over - hope you are enjoying it!
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on June 13th, 2003

The Weather has been great!

We've taken a couple of vacations - a long weekend camping trip to Lake Chelan, and a week long trip with our new ski boat at a cabin on Bank's Lake - we had a BLAST!

There are also some new pictures of the kids around the house, and pics from Mother's Day too.

Have a great summer!
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on April 27th, 2003

Welcome back!

It's been well over a month since we last updated the site. We've been very busy with work lately, but had time to get away for couple of days on Ron's birthday, and got down to Vancouver for a weekend to celebrate Easter at the Merryman's and the Greenhaldges.

We also added a couple of new clips in the Audio Section - be sure to check them out - very cute!

COMING SOON: We recently bought a new digital video camera, so I will eventually be figuring out how to get some streaming video clips on line too.

Hope to see you soon,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on March 2nd, 2003

We had two birthdays;

Sherry turned 31, and Skyler turned 4 with a "Castle" themed party.

We also snapped some random pictures of the baby.

Check out the photo albums section to see them,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on January 3rd, 2003

A scarry start to 2003;

One of Ron's dads, Ray, had an acute stroke on each side of his brain the Sunday before New Years Eve. We are all surprised and in shock, but Ray is recovering quicker than the Doctors expected and is doing better each day. Please keep him in your prayers.

However, before this, we had a fantastic set of holidays and spent some quality time with local family and friends, and got to see Ron's sister, Julie, and her boyfriend, Mike, who came up for Christmas from San Diego.

We've got tons of holiday, baby, and birthday pictures online since you've last visited.

Check out the photo albums section to see them all,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on November 27th, 2002

New house, new baby, new job!

Lot's of new things in our lives have changed since we've last updated the web site:

RAINA LYNN PIERCE (a.k.a. Princess Raina) was born on Nov. 2nd, 2002 at 1:35pm. She weighed 8 lbs. 14 ozs. and was 22.5 inches long! She looks just like her mommy, and is cute as a button!

Just prior to Raina being born, we had moved into a new house in Gig Harbor which we couldn't love more, and just last week Ron accepted a new position in Russell's Technology department as a Product Services Manager, moving him from a "techie" role to a more business focused function.

You'll find lots of new photos online in the Photo Album section of this web site since our last update in August.

We wish you all a happy holiday season,
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Raina




Site updated on August 8th, 2002

Skyler and I have been dragging a very tired and exhausted pregnant lady outside a lot since the weather has been so nice lately. We've recently gone camping, hiking, fishing, and had mom's birthday at our house in the last month.

All those pictures are now online in the Photo Albums section.

Hope you are doing well,
Ron, Sherry, and Skyler




Site updated on July 5th, 2002

For those of you who haven't heard yet, we found out what sex the baby is going to be: By Oct. 26th, we should be holding a baby G I R L !

We've added pictures from Father's Day weekend -- Butch, Colleen, and Cameron came up from L.A., Julie came up from San Diego, and Ray came up from San Francisco. We had a great time at Mom's house for Father's day. Most of the pictures are from our trip to Bullwinkels.

You'll also find some new pictures online from the little 4th of July BBQ we had at our house -- Sherry's mom, husband Neil, brother Jesse, and sister Mindy came up.

And, we were able to get Skyler to record a few more Audio Clips, so be sure to check those out too!

Thanks for stopping by, 
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Chinook




Site updated on June 3rd, 2002

We just got back from California and had a great time. We went to Lego Land, Sea World, and Disneyland Resort (which is TOTALLY different now - they have two parks: Disneyland and California Adventure and a big "Downtown Disney" area. It's becoming more like Disney World in Florida).

Our condo was right on the beach so we got to play in the ocean a couple of times too. I think the beach was Skyler's favorite part of the trip, although he LOVED the fast rollercoasters at Disney. While we were in the San Diego area we got to see where Julie lives and her new pad that she will be moving into later this week. We had a great BBQ at Sue and Gene Lower's house (where Skyler got to ride a little quad ATV - which he won't stop talking about), and we stayed at the Pierce's house (Where Ron's Dad, Kathy, Drew, and Lara live) when we were up north at Disneyland which was a great time.

All those pictures, plus Mother Day photos, are now in the Photo Album section.

Take care, 
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Chinook




Site updated on April 21st, 2002

We are going to have another baby! (Just in case you hadn't heard yet)

The new baby won't be here until late October, but we already can't hardly wait. Sherry is puking her guts out every day all day long and insists that you not refer to it as "Morning Sickness" but instead call it "All-day-and-all-night Sickness"

In the meantime while we wait (and while Sherry pukes), we've just been trying to juggel work, Skyler, and growing a baby: Ron turned 32, Skyler is growing like a weed and wearing "big boy pants" now, we went to the fair, played in the backyard, and had a great Easter weekend with the Merrymans, and Julie and Mike who came up from San Diego. -- You can see all that in the Photo Albums section.

Be sure to check out the new Audio Clips section by clicking the link above

Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Chinook




Site updated on Feb 22nd, 2002

Hi everyone;

2002 has already kicked-off with quite a bang. Skyler turned 3 years old and had a big Harry Potter Birthday Bash, Sherry turned the big "30" and Ron took her to Las Vegas to see Cirque Du Soleil and the Blue Man Group, Dad and Kathy came to visit from California, Sherry was promoted to Manager of the Service Center in the Human Resources dept., and Julie moved to San Diego.  

We have pictures of most of it in the Photo Albums section.

Thanks for stopping by, 
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Chinook




Site launched on December 29th, 2001

The majority of the photos on this site will be found under the "Photo Albums" link, above.

This web site is probably going to be visited by us more than anyone else, but I'll bet that if you're here you are probably not here to see Sherry and Ron! There are plenty of pictures of Skyler, especially with him being the focus of our camera 90% of the time.

I have scanned in all of our photographs from 2001 and I **might** scan all the photos in from 1999 and 2000 to insure that I have Skyler's entire life on file.

We just got a really good digital camera in December 2001, so it will be easy to add pictures on-line in the future. I also programmed this site so that all I have to do is connect my camera, and press one little button and voila! - the pictures are automatically sized, indexed, and online. I don't need to edit any links or anything to add images. However getting the older photographs online is a pain in the neck, so I may not do it.

If there is an image that you like but is printing kind of FUZZY on paper, just send me the Album name and image title that you want and I can email you a better version of the file for printing.

Have Fun!
Ron, Sherry, Skyler, and Chinook



© 2001 - 2025 Ron Pierce